Spanish Video Library

Introduccion A La Elaboracion De Presupuestos En La Iglesia

Explore church revenues, expenses, and operating and capital budgets. Learn the four stages of church budget development. Empower parishioners and ...

Al Cesar Lo Que Es Del Cesar: Bases De Los Impuestos Para El Ciero

Learn about Federal income tax deductions, calculations, and considerations for clergy. Understand decision making about Social Security/Medicare. Identify clergy tax ...

Controles Internos

Safeguard assets and combat fraud. Implement strong internal controls, standardize financial procedures, and establish separation of duties to reduce the ...

No Entierres Tus Talentos: Fundamentos Sobre las Inversiones Para el Clero

Learn prudent financial planning best practices. Compare investment options including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Understand tax consequences of Traditional ...

Administracion Personal: Ideas Praticas De Presupuesto Para El Clero

Organize personal finances with a clear budget, differentiate options between leasing versus buying a car, and learn the benefits and ...

Construir Una Fundacion Solida Para Tener Exito Recaudando Fondos

Learn how fundraising is a form of ministry, articulate fundraising goals and objectives, and learn how to design an impactful ...

Las Relaciones Con Los Donantes Crean La Lealtad De Los Donantes

Cultivate strong donor relations, increase donor commitment, secure life-long donors, design donor acknowledgement and recognition programs, and improve donor engagement ...

Los 10 Mejores Consejos Financieros Para La Iglesia

Learn quick tips on budget development, prioritization, tools to stay on track with financial plans, and best practices for communicating ...